Sleepy Sal

Another long day in the saddle…

looking a little tired af the end of a long days riding

looking a little tired af the end of a long days riding


and another passed out rider…

starting to make a habit of this

starting to make a habit of this


It’s not all hardships though, the north of thailand is great bike country, great food country and lovely people all around.  We’ve been though some amazing places, some rather tricky riding, and some highway too.  Tonight we stopped just 25km short of Chiang Mai, ate some dinner and even found Sal a glass of red wine to go with it.

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Tomorrow we ride into town to collect our passports from DHL (thanks Paul!!). then visit the Indian and Myanmar embassies before I start 2 or 3 days work on Betsy to get ready for the next stage of our trip.   Looking forward to getting my hands dirty!


PS if anyone wants to leave a message, you can click on the little baloon on the top rhs of any post, it’s changed since I updated the layout of the site and I dont know if anyone (i.e. Mum) knows how to do it anymore :))  We always love to hear from you (Mum) xoxo

2 thoughts on “Sleepy Sal

  1. thanks for the tip on leaving a message, we wondered what had changed!
    Lovely to hear all your latest news and well done Sally for persevering with the bike riding, but obviously very stressful and tiring.
    Your last post about seeing the elephant was amazing but could be very scary I imagine.
    Enjoy your beer and look forward to speaking soon,
    Take carexxxxxx

  2. Yes I found the balloon a few nights ago!!!
    Always look forward to your latest news, so glad all is going we’ll.
    I think of you often and I’m amazed at times of where you stay and what you eat! You are both so strong, very proud of you!
    Our Xmas family picnic is now on Valentine’s Day, but I guess you won’t be home by then! I know everyone will ask about you as they always do.
    Love you ! Enjoy and be safe xxx

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