After a few nice days in Rajasthan, we hit the road this morning headed for Delhi.
Unfortunately I’ve come down with a serious case of man-flu, so have been struggling a bit, today’s ride was long and hard as a consequence. The idiot who tried to push us out of the way on the highway didn’t help my fragile mindset either, although it’s probably not everyday that he beeps at a bike, and both the rider and pillion simultaneously turn and give him the finger!
Rajasthan was really interesting, little desert towns with enormous 15th century forts, steeped in the history of their defence against various rivals.
Lots of crappy markets full of cows and cowshit selling 1000 versions of the same product too – which is a shame.
We also visited a Jain temple, completely done in white marble, I think it’s the most impressive temple I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately you can’t take photos of it from the inside, so you’ll need to imagine 🙂
This is from the outside though, but doesn’t do it justice at all, amazing intricate carvings on all 1444 pillars!
Tomorrow morning we head to the Tajik and Uzbek embassy’s for the central asia visa circus, we’re pretty well prepared with all the forms and photocopies and photos, but no doubt something will be wrong.
The plan is to hang out in Delhi while we wait for the visas, then visit Agra (Taj Mahal) en route to Nepal where we’re meeting up with DaveG, an old travel buddy of mine who now plays professional netball. Haven’t seen Dave since we were in the US a couple of years ago, so it will be great to see him again!
We’re also lucky enough to have been invited to stay with a fellow adventure biker, Rakesh who lives in Delhi, looking forward to sharing some tales from the road and getting some inside info on what to see and do in Delhi.
Enough now, very tired.