catching up on a few things

As we have about a week here, we’re catching up on a few things we need to get done, and didn’t do back home as we ran out of time and some things are much cheaper to do elsewhere.

This sectíon could be called ‘tips for other travellers’

Like going to the dentist, where a checkup and clean costs about $200 at home, but only $25 here, and getting vaccinated for Japanese Encephylitis, $275 at home, $26 here.

Those two little gems saved us about $850 – thank you Malaysia!

I also went to a skin specialist to get a couple of moles checked out, no reference, no appointment, 30min wait and was greeted by a specialist from Australia, here to help his dad out in the local clinic. Dr Lim is a ‘Fellow’ no less, second in charge of skin related stuff at the Alfred hospital in Melbourne.

Ten mins later he’d whisked the mole off and sent it for testing at KL, no followup appointment necessary, just call me in two weeks.  Total cost $95.

It’s not all good news though, as the dentist tells me that I’m most likely going to need a tooth removed… might leave that one till we get home 🙂

Our plan from here is to head to Sipadan for a few days diving before returning to Penang and riding more or less straight through to Siem Reap, with a short stop in Bangkok to try to preorder tyres for the rest of the trip and get the laptop repaired.

From Siem Reap we have f’ights to the Philipines where we’ll roam aimlessly for about 3 or 4 weeks.  Then it’s back to Cambo’ pick up the bike and make our way through Laos back to Bangkok, apply for some visas and then Myanmar through to India.

Poor Sal had a bit of a sleepless night last night, too many people screaming, vomiting and showering in close proximity.  So she’s put in earplugs and is sleeping in a bit this morning while i do this.

There’s no curtain on the window so very bright in here,  I just need to share this…


S Clark, always in style!

They are brand new nickers though 🙂



2 thoughts on “catching up on a few things

  1. Great medical bargains, without the potential bargain complications. I am very curious to hear whether Dean is going to or has already had to avail himself of said bargain medical treatment following Sal’s discovery of his photographic exploits?

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